Monday, February 15, 2010

Get Ready, Get Set!!!

It is with deep regret that I inform you of a fact that I have learned on my Journey.  Looking "Put Together" actually requires being put together.  Let us take a moment and mourn my disorganized self...okay, moving on!

Yes, I am finding that I really need to be organized and prepared to feel confident.  And, I am not just talking about laying your clothes out the night before.  For example, in the morning, you need to have a plan for the day.  From what's for breakfast to when am I going to work out and get ready to what am I going to wear.  All of these questions need to be answered in advance (or at least plan your outfit while you are in the shower).  The more time you have the less stressed you will be. 

Today is my menu planning day.  I do this and hang it on the fridge for all to see.  You know what is for breakfast and what is for dinner.  You know what to shop for and what you can prepare in advance.  If you have to scramble at the last minute, that could be a work out you lose.  Or, if it were me, I know I would skip figuring out what to wear and grab my yoga pants.  Ahhh, good old yoga pants!  Seriously, you can save so much time (and money!) if you plan out your menu for the week.  I follow several bloggers that, not only plan their menus for the entire month, but they actually COOK for a month at a time and dinners are ready to go in the freezer.  THAT is awesome!  But WAAAAYYYY too organized and thought our for this procrastinator. 

There are so many ways to be prepared and save time and stress.  I would love to hear what YOU do to be prepared and ready for your day, week, month!

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