Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Christ the Patron Saint...

If you saw last Friday's "What Not to Wear" you may remember Clinton's joke about Christ the Patron Saint.  They were making over a young Episcopalian priest (female) and they wanted her to remember a fashion rule.  Although it may have been a bit sac-religious, it did help me remember the CTPS rule of fashion!

* Color
* Texture
* Pattern
* Shine

Every outfit should have one of each element.  While I have no problem with the Texture piece, and I actually enjoy a little bit of Shine and sparkle (maybe that is my ADHD distracting me with shiny objects though)...the color and pattern thing scare me a bit.  I guess I could do one color and one pattern.  That is not quite so scary.  And, they did say that your accessories could be one of the elements (a colorful purse or some sparkley jewelry).  Maybe it is not so hard.

They also talked about the equation for putting an outfit together.  Let me see if I remember it correctly...

1 Basic + 1 Accent + 1 Extra + Accessories = A put-together outfit

For the example, they said the Basic would be a skirt or pant.  This would be a black skirt, grey pants or even dark washed jeans.  Just something basic and not one of the CTPS elements.  The Accent would be a shirt.  This would be a cami or blouse with a pattern.  The Extra (that may not have been what they called it...I can't remember!) was a colored blazer.  Then the Accessories would have been jewelry or even a patent leather bag.  Anything that would have added a little shine to the outfit.

This was so informative for my Journey!  I feel like the CTPS rule and the equation is something I can follow and understand.  When I woke up this morning and got dressed I had the elements in mind.  I put on black leggings (my basic), a patterned tunic (my accent), a cropped, textured sweater (my Extra) and shiny patent leather flats (my Accessory)! I missed color.  I told you this would be a hard one for me!  What could I have done?  Maybe a sweater with color? or even shoes with color?  That probably would have worked.  But, I feel good about not putting on yoga pants and fleece.  That was an accomplishment for me!  And let me just tell you...the whole leggings and a tunic is by far the most comfortable style I have worn in a while!  I am keeping my fingers crossed that it sticks around for a while.  Maybe I should be praying to Christ the Patron Saint though... 

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